New Flash Movie!

The new Flash movie looks insanely awesome! Have you seen the latest trailer? No? It’s on YouTube. Go watch it now! 👍😎👍

Rookie of the Year Movie Review

A freak accident causes 12-year-old Little League player Henry (Thomas Ian Nicholas) to become such a powerful and accurate pitcher that the Chicago Cubs sign the junior high student to a contract. Unprepared for such a high-pressure environment, Henry falters until aging fastballer Chet Steadman (Gary Busey) takes him under his wing and teaches him how to play in the big leagues. Meanwhile, his mother’s venal boyfriend (Bruce Altman) tries to sell Henry’s contract to a hated opposing team.

When I was a young lad I considered myself something of an athlete. It didn’t last long but I definitely considered it. Luckily, movies like Rookie of the Year allowed me to vicariously live out my dreams of athleticism.

Yes, the story is unrealistic and most of the acting is mediocre at best but it quickly became a popular movie because it appealed to lots of kids like me back then. By which I mean us non-athletic kids. It probably appealed to athletic kids as well but I’ve never really cared about those kids’ opinions. Lol

If you have yet to watch this gem I highly suggest you do so post haste! Post haste!!

Overall, I give Rookie of the Year a strong 8.5 out of 10! 😎👍

Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead Movie Review

Sue Ellen Crandell (Christina Applegate) is a teenager eagerly awaiting her mother’s (Concetta Tomei) summer-long absence. While the babysitter (Eda Reiss Merin) looks after her rambunctious younger siblings, Sue Ellen can party and have fun. But then the babysitter abruptly dies, leaving the Crandells short on cash. Sue Ellen finds a sweet job in fashion by lying about her age and experience on her résumé. But, while her siblings run wild, she discovers the downside of adulthood.

I remember when this movie was first released in theaters, sometime in 1991, it was reported on by several major news networks. They tried to discourage people from taking their kids to see it because they believed it would encourage kids to murder their babysitters. It was later obvious that none of them had bothered to watch it because the babysitter in the movie dies from natural causes.

Either way… It was a mediocre comedy back then and it still is but it does invoke a certain amount of 1990s nostalgia and it gave Christina Applegate the opportunity to prove that she could portray other characters besides Kelly Bundy.

If you’ve never seen this movie I do recommend watching it at least once. Especially, if you’re looking to watch something with a good dose of 90s nostalgia.

Overall, I give Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead a solid 7.5 out of 10.

Big Movie Review

After a wish turns 12-year-old Josh Baskin (David Moscow) into a 30-year-old man (Tom Hanks), he heads to New York City and gets a low-level job at MacMillen Toy Company. A chance encounter with the owner (Robert Loggia) of the company leads to a promotion testing new toys. Soon a fellow employee, Susan Lawrence (Elizabeth Perkins), takes a romantic interest in Josh. However, the pressure of living as an adult begins to overwhelm him, and he longs to return to his simple, former life as a boy.

This was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid… and it still is to this day!
Tom Hanks really gave this role his all and it ultimately helped launch his career.

I still don’t know if Zoltar actually grants wishes or not but I guess that’s part of what makes this movie so magical.

Overall, I give it a strong 9 out of 10!

The Veil Movie Review

Thirty years after a charismatic cult leader convinced his followers to kill themselves, a survivor returns to the scene of the horror with a documentary crew.

I somewhat expected this to be a stereotypical horror movie but the story is actually quite intriguing. Yes, much of the acting falls flat and most of the action sequences are extremely cheesy but it does raise a lot of deep spiritual/philosophical questions.

I won’t comment much on Jessica Alba’s performance. She… did an okay job.
If you like movies about cults you might enjoy this but don’t expect anything groundbreaking.

Overall, I give The Veil 5.5 out of 10!

The Last Of Us First Episode Review

The first episode of The Last Of Us was… interesting. I never played the videogame. So, I can only compare it to similar shows, movies, and certain real life events. The story seems well written and the acting is decent. I’m looking forward to watching the rest of it unfold.
